About Us

GENEX Africa farm center is a company limited by shares that was established in 2018 after appreciating urgent need to support livestock farmers to grow farm productivity and income. Over the last six years, Genex Africa farm center has been deeply involved in supporting farmers across Uganda in the different districts. We are deeply convinced that farmers can run their farming enterprises profitably. 

Our Mission

Genex Africa farm center’s mission is to provide livestock in Africa with advanced technologies and solutions to improve their enterprise profitability. This we do through provision of technical leadership that will guide farmers to grow their farm productivity and income.  

Our engagement with stakeholders

Farmer support services 

Genex Africa farm center believes that for farmers to grow farm productivity and improve income sustainably, they must have access to timely and accurate information to guide decision making. To this end, Genex Africa farm center has been deeply involved in mentoring farms across different social segments. Through her team of top-notch experts and extension workers, the company has conducted training on modern livestock enterprises management farmers across key segments that the company feels are paramount in turning on the farmers’ imagination enhancing progress. In the last three years, together with local and international partners, we have trained 15,000 farmers on profitable cattle enterprise management. 

Additionally, the company has been involved in continuous professional development of extension workers in both public and private practice. We continually train private and public extension workers to establish a support system and improve service delivery to farmers that are passionate about improving enterprise productivity.  

This we do through organizing bottom-up trainings within Uganda’s cattle corridor. As a company we don’t operate in isolation, we have partnerships with government entities, farmers cooperatives, private like-minded organizations and local governments that support our mobilization and training strategies. In the past 4 years, together with local and international partners, we have trained 200 artificial insemination technicians. 

We are aware that sustainable farm level productivity is cross generational and engendered. For this reason, we incorporate women and youth farmers in our training program. In addition, we conduct outreach to farms and offer on farm guidance to selected farmers all of which are aimed at facilitating improved farm productivity

Company Staff

The company employs five permanent staff including an office admin, an accountant, Managing director and two technical consultants. This highly enthusiastic and dynamic team will deliver the company to her vision and facilitate tangible growth in the short, medium, and long term. 

Our Core Values

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