About Animal health
Animal health industry collaborates with farmers and ranchers, government agencies, veterinarians, and other groups to ensure the health and safety of animals, humans, and food supply.Genex Africa farm center animal health experts have the prowess, coupled with unique range of products to suit the need

Bendamec is a broad spectrum product for treatment and control of immature and adult gut roundworm, lung worm, liver fluke, tapeworm, nasal bots and roundworm eggs in cattle sheep and goats

Albafas 2.5%
Albafas 2.5% is a blue, viscous suspension that treats and controls worms and flukes in cattle, sheep, goats, and camels

Tramazole 10% is used for the control of mature and developing immature forms of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and adult liver fluke in sheep and cattle. Tramazole 10% w/v is ovicidal and will kill fluke and worm eggs, thus reducing pasture contamination.

Levafas Diamond
Levafas Diamond is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic used to treat and control intestinal and pulmonary nematode infections, as well as adult liver fluke infections in cattle and sheep

Nemarid Super
It is a Quality dewormer for cattle, sheep and goats with a composition of 3.0 w/v Levamisole

Nemarid Cobalt
it is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic for cattle, sheep and goats. It’s safe to use with young, pregnant and/or lactating animals…

Multicure 2.5%
Multicure 2.5% is a quality cattle, sheep and goat dewormer with a composition of 2.5% albendazole….

Multicure 10%
Multicure 10% is a quality cattle, sheep and goat dewormer with a composition of 10% albendazole….

Eradifluke is a broad spectrum anthelmintic for control and treatment of Fascioliasis, parasitic gastro-enteritis, and parasitic bronchitis in cattle sheep

Norotraz 12.5% is a veterinary product that kills and controls ticks, lice, and mange in cattle, sheep, and goats. It is an emulsifiable concentrate.

Bimatraz is an acaricide for veterinary use as a stock spray and dip against ticks, mange, mites and lice on cattle, sheep, goats

Acaricide for the control of ticks in cattle by spraying and dipping

GONA breed
GONA breed is a sterile solution containing 100 micrograms of gonadorelin (GnRH) as gonadorelin acetate per milliliter suitable for intramuscular or intravenous administration according to the indication. For the treatment of cystic ovaries in dairy cattle. For use with cloprostenol sodium to synchronize estrous cycles to allow for fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) in lactating dairy cows and beef cows. Gonadorelin is a decapeptide composed of the sequence of amino acids. Gonadorelin is the hypothalamic releasing factor responsible for the release of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary. Synthetic gonadorelin is physiologically and chemically identical to the endogenous bovine hypothalamic releasing factor.

estroPLAN causes functional and morphological regression of the corpus luteum (luteolysis) in cattle. In normal, nonpregnant cycling animals this effect on the life span of the corpus luteum usually results in estrus 2 to 5 days after treatment. In animals with prolonged luteal function (pyometra, mummified fetus, and luteal cysts), the induced luteolysis usually results in resolution of the condition and return to cyclicity. Pregnant animals may abort depending on the stage of gestation.

Fertagyl (Gonadorelin)
Fertagyl (Gonadorelin) injectable is indicated for the treatment of cystic ovaries in dairy cattle and can also be used to synchronize estrous cycles to allow for fixed time artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows.

ESTRUMATE is a prostaglandin analogue that causes regression of the corpus luteum, which results in estrus in two to five days in cycling animals. ESTRUMATE has a strong luteolytic agent. Better luteolysis is related to better conception. ESTRUMATE is approved for the following in lactating dairy cows, beef cows and replacement beef and dairy heifers: * Unobserved or non-detected estrus * Treatment of pyometra or chronic endometritis * Treatment of mummified fetus * Treatment of luteal cysts * Estrus synchronization * Termination of unwanted pregnancies

IDDEX Alertys*
A Pregnancy Test Kit for cattle that provides a quick, accurate, and easy-to-use solution for early pregnancy detection. It reduces costs and improves breeding efficiency for maximum productivity. Test as early as 28 days after serving the cow!

A quick and easy cow-side test to monitor milk quality and udder health. The test immediately detects elevated somatic cell counts (SCC) in bulk tank milk or within individual udder quarters, which indicates mastitis even in cows with no clinal signs.

White Energy is a specially formulated calcium coated by-pass fat that supplies high energy required for enhanced peak milk production and performance

An injectable source of minerals that have been proven to improve weight gain, improve reproductive rates, and reduce mastitis. It can also improve the immune system.